
Drawing the world’s attention
to become a city admired by all

About CSA International

CSA Real Estate, a subsidiary of CSA International, has been focused on supporting local businesses in expanding overseas since 2013.
We have established bases in Thailand and Myanmar with the primary goal of facilitating international expansion.
This effort has underscored the necessity and potential for local companies to look beyond their borders and consider opportunities abroad.

In 2017, aiming to boost inbound tourism to Shizuoka, CSA International launched CSA Travel Co., Ltd.. With that initiative, we started the management of accommodations facilities such as "Nihoniro" that serves as key attractions for tourism. As a result, we were able to welcome many visitors from overseas to Shizuoka.
Among them, many entrepreneurs from various countries have utilized it as a vacation destination, and they realized that Shizuoka is not only a tourist destination but also a business hub.

During that time, in December 2022, we received contact from an entrepreneur in Thailand (specifically in the Khao Yai region)
who showed interest in our accommodation facility "Nihon-iro."
This initial contact sparked a relationship with entrepreneurs in Thailand, leading to fruitful exchanges.

Through mutual visits between Thailand and Japan, extensive communication, and shared vision, we have aligned our aspirations towards fostering synergistic international expansion. This initiative aims to leverage the respective cuisines, cultures, and industries of Shizuoka and Thailand, beginning with exchanges and business ventures that promise mutual benefits rather than unilateral gains.

In March 2024, this shared vision culminated in the establishment of CSA International through joint investment. We are committed to developing ventures that connect Shizuoka with Thailand and other global destinations.


At CSA Real Estate, we specialize in various real estate services, ranging from handling diverse properties to proposing effective utilization plans for land and buildings. We also engage in architectural design and construction, as well as corporate and retail branding, aiming to foster vibrant local urban development. We have also provided support for local businesses expanding into overseas markets.
Concerned about population declining and changes in consumer behavior due to the widespread use of the internet, we feared the increasing hollowing out of our town. To generate new consumption opportunities, we aimed to create tourism that attracts people from outside the town and established CSA Travel. We operate various tourism facilities by employing multinational talents

Drawing the world's attention,
becoming a city admired by all.

CSA International aims to foster mutual development between local regions and the world through global business initiatives. By leveraging Shizuoka's exceptional environment, industries, culture, and geographical advantages, we seek to attract overseas content and businesses to Shizuoka. Our objectives include expanding the commercial population, increasing employment opportunities, and promoting the overseas expansion of local industries. Additionally, we aim to enhance Shizuoka and Japan's cultural presence internationally. Through these efforts, we aim to create new necessitites mutually between Shizuoka and the world, overcoming various challenges faced by regional cities such as population declining and shrinking commercial and industrial scales. Our ultimate goal is to revitalize the city and stimulate its economy.

Thai ProjectKhao Yai

Showcasing the charm of both Khao Yai and Shizuoka.

Khao Yai, a lush, natural retreat located about three hours by car from Bangkok, became a focal point for CSA Real Estate in December 2022. An entrepreneur based in Khao Yai reached out to discuss business opportunities inspired by CSA Travel's accommodation facility "Nihon-iro." After numerous meetings, we decided not only to expand our business in Thailand but also to promote Thai culture and business opportunities in Shizuoka. This collaborative effort led to the joint establishment of CSA International, aiming to create synergies through international expansion and advance various projects in both regions.
KhaoYai 日本色

About the project

As part of CSA International's Khao Yai Project, we opened an authentic Thai restaurant named "Khao Yai" on July 27, 2024, in the Mochimune area of Suruga Ward in Shizuoka City (https://khaoyai.jp). This restaurant operates directly under our management and features authentic Thai cuisine. With recipes recreated from the popular "Big Mountain" restaurant in Khao Yai, Thailand. The name "Khao Yai" reflects our desire to introduce the rich, natural beauty of Khao Yai, which is still relatively unknown in Japan, and to let people experience its charm through delicious Thai food.

Additionally, within Thailand, we are planning and developing facilities that showcase Japanese and Shizuoka culture and industries through Japanese architectural design.